Power or energy? Watt or Watt/h? Here are the differences on the bill.

The difference between watt (W) and watt-hour (Wh) is that a watt represents a unit of power, while a watt-hour represents a unit of energy. 1 watt (W) is the unit of measurement for power, that is, the amount of energy transferred in one second. 1 watt-hour (Wh) is the unit of measurement for energy, that is, the amount of energy used in one hour by a source that consumes 1 watt of power. In other words, if a device uses 1 watt of power for one hour, it will use 1 Wh of energy. In summary: W = power, Wh = energy.

And what difference does it make on the bill?

The difference between watt and watt-hour is important to understand how the electricity bill is calculated. The cost of the electrical energy we use is calculated based on the unit of energy we consume, that is, based on the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) we use. For example, if you have an appliance that consumes 1000 W of power and you use it for one hour, you will have consumed 1000 Wh of electrical energy. This means that your electricity bill will have increased by 1 kWh. In summary, when you look at your electricity bill, you will be charged for the electrical energy you have consumed in kilowatt-hours, not in watts. It’s important to pay attention to energy consumption to reduce electricity bill costs and to reduce environmental impact.

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